Today was the Pride Glitter event at the Merrion Shopping Centre. As soon as the security grills went up the public rushed in, so I whipped out my phone and captured the first few shots as I hadn’t yet setup the main cameras (long story – the load-in was mind numbingly daft).
The slow motion shots were filmed at 120fps on the LS300 and glitter pieces seems to catch the light well. 14:25:172020-08-07 15:52:15Glitter at the Merrion
Yorkshire Water are raising awareness of the problems caused by throwing unsuitable things down the toilet. They created a roadshow event similar to an escape room, where teams have to find clues in the fastest time possible in order to escape out the drain at the bottom of the house. It’s hard to explain. Ha. You’d better watch the video:
Although I mostly filmed handheld due to the tight spaces and hazards on the floor, I persuaded a few members of the public to wear a body or head mounted GoPro. These shots helped provide a bit of variety to the final video. 14:49:562019-11-07 15:05:08Unblock against the clock 09:26:292020-08-07 18:54:53Summer at White Rose
After the success of last year’s life size T-Rex in the Trinity Shopping Centre, Leeds Bid together with a handful of Leeds city shopping centres decided to expand on the concept.
This year a similar sized T-Rex was installed in Trinity Leeds, but there were also smaller installations in four other locations in central Leeds. The installation took place across four nights and I also filmed a few times during the day.
This was during the long summer heatwave. On one really hot evening in the Trinity we witnessed an amazing lightning storm directly above the Trinity Leeds roof. My GoPro captured the show which went viral on Facebook:
Once installation was complete I revisited the sites to film public interaction and I had edited the video by the following day:
Like last year, this job was achieved with a wide range of cameras and techniques. Static and motion timelapse, pole gimbal, tripods and handheld. I think I used every type of camera I own at some point!
The RocknRoller trolley was used by the installation crew to help carry dinosaur parts around the venue, and it also acted as a portable motion timelapse station…
Here’s a recent promo I made for the Martin House Children’s Hospice 2019 charity boat race at Roundhay Park. The day started at 8am, capturing the Martin House and Events teams getting setup. Racing continued into the late afternoon and the winner we announced just before 6pm. I captured 596 shots on the day… no wonder the video ended up over 6 minutes!
It was an opportunity to take the trusty old Sony FS100 out onto the water and shoot at 720p50 for some slow-motion action. I wasn’t going to risk using a newer camera on an unpaid charity job because I knew I’d be jumping in and out of dingies, and hot-footing it around a park all day with my daughter in tow.
The video has had 1700 views on Facebook so far. And I’ve also made a high energy promo for next year’s event! 16:16:032020-08-07 16:14:20Here be Dragons!
I film regularly for Virtual College – an online training company, and occasionally the work is available publicly. Here’s a job that I’ve just filmed featuring the Brownlee Brothers, triathletes who are multiple Olympic gold medal winners for Team GB and local lads too! 15:45:512020-09-04 10:02:42Going for Gold! 16:21:232020-08-07 16:43:58Living the life 13:21:102019-11-24 15:45:29Our friends electric
What a great night and Launch for the BLKB-BX project thank you to all that attended and supported us to get there .watch this space for regular updates and exciting changes and up coming events .
The launch night was great, but there was much more to my involvement. From late 2018 until mid-January I documented the artists painting and spraying the walls and ceiling in trinity. I filmed with a range of cameras and techniques such as time-lapse, motion time-lapse, tripod, pole gimbal and 360 video as well as interviewing the artists involved in the project.
The filming started once the mall was closing, with shoots often finishing around 4am. It was a good opportunity to try out a few different filming methods on a single job. The gimbal and a6000 worked well on a monopod, allowing me to crane from ground level, right up the the artists working at the ceiling. The motion control slider was a tricky setup because the artist may have started working in a certain direction, you place the camera rig to match and 10 minutes later they’ve changed direction or moved elsewhere. That meant stopping a move before it had finished, but fortunately there was enough material to make the finished videos.